After Effects Expression - Global Wind Controller

With this method, you'll be able to control the movement of several plants according to the wind's direction and speed.

Full step by step Tutorial:

Code for Bend property:

let windSpeed = thisComp.layer("WIND CONTROLLER").effect("wind speed")("Slider");
let indexByPos = linear(position[0], 0, thisComp.width, 0.7, 1.7);


Expression by Francisco Giordano, August 2020.
Free for personal use and commercial use.
Instagram @ae.fran.giodano -

For the Start and End properties, you'll have to apply different expressions depending on the type of your layer:

Code for Start property:


Code for End property:

[position[0], position[1]-thisComp.height/2];

Code for Rotation property:

let windDirection = thisComp.layer("WIND CONTROLLER").effect("wind direction")("Angle");
let indexByPos = linear(position[0], 0, thisComp.width, 0.5, 1.5);
let windSpeed = thisComp.layer("WIND CONTROLLER").effect("wind speed")("Slider");

let sinRotation = Math.sin((time-indexByPos)*Math.PI*windSpeed/10)*windSpeed/2;
let windRotation = linear(windDirection.valueAtTime(time-indexByPos), 90, -90, windSpeed, -windSpeed);

sinRotation + windRotation;

Expression by Francisco Giordano, August 2020.
Free for personal use and commercial use.
Instagram @ae.fran.giodano -

Last updated